Gandador del Premio Gramophone en vivo:

Otro broadcast de ahora ultimo, como si estuviera renaciendo el arte! Could it be that the Far Eastern curse "may you live in interesting times" is also informing the depth of recent performances?
All thanks to christos e from DIME for this awesome recording of a digital FM Broadcast- DVB-S Radio, 256kb/s. He might poke me right in the eye for putting this up here. (hope not!)
The performance is a testament to Paul Lewis' gifts, so spread it while it's available. As such, it is more than ample argument for keeping his career triumphantly afloat by going to a concert or purchasing a CD of his!!! We are Medici! [sung to the sister sledge tune, in these art funding-starved times]; Please mention that if you Do spread this treasure.
viene con arte y texto informativo. comes with some more info and homebaked art (yea that up there.)
crank it!
The actual studio release, winner of the 2008 Gramophone Award here
(live concert link in comments; as a zip file and, further down, in mp3s individually)
Amigo: Parece que promete mucho te visitaremos seguido. Suerte Te incluyo entre mis blogs.. Un Abrazo ..cuanto mas seamos mas musica para todos y no solo unos pocos!!!
Let me recomend you this incredible blog: creo el mejor de todos..
Alli va!
Amigo! Parabéns pelo Blog! Mas infelizmente não pude descompactar esse arquivo... Está tudo certo com ele? Obrigado> Abraço!
Me pide contraseña. ¿Puedes comunicármela?
@1954:No tienen contraseña, Segun yo; cuando te o pide, al tratar de abrir el archivo o por no tener cuenta de rapidshare, cuando?
@Ticiano: Lo acabo de bajar y abrir de nuevo, y fuinciono bien; que paso? intenta di novo.
Sorry, but it ask a password.
@1954: puedes comunicar por medio del chat azul en el fondo de la pagina inicial? mas facil llegar a la solucion...
OK! and here are the mp3 files standing alone (no zip)
Thank you for all. Wish you the best in this blog.
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