Self-recommending. A unique, fiery night in Boston is preserved here,
with some of the 1958 broadcaster's announcements included. *This is a different performance from the "Great Conductors..." CDs*

Beethoven, Ludwig van
Opus 125, Symphony no. 9
Leontyne Price, soprano ; Maureen Forrester, contralto
David Poleri, tenor ; Giorgio Tozzi, baritone
New England Conservatory Chorus
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Charles Munch, conductor
Recorded Symphony Hall, Boston, MA
20 December 1958
Ray said,"I found this 10" open reel in my library..."
Thanks Ray for the recording, and Constantine Manos for the "Charles Munch conducting the Boston Symphony Orchestra" photo (cover).
Dear Guillermo/Statework: I've just finished downloading this one and think it is time for another thank you. I last thanked you back when you uploaded the Rachel Podger Mozart Sinfonia Concertante and the historic BBC Mahler 10th performance/lecture with Deryk Cooke and Bernard Goldschmidt. Since then you have posted a wonderful Missa Solemnis that has become my reference version, a Kurtag world premiere, and so many more wonders that my IPod has a special Statework category replete with your heroic forays into the graphic arts (I particularly like the Isabelle Faust Mendelssohn cover, as she is not only a wonderful violinist with a very interesting repertoire but, as we say in my country, "easy on the eyes").
I have thanked you for only a small part of your work, but I hope an effusive "thank you" now and then will be sufficien,t since I have no radio broadcasts to contribute. Statework and Classical in the Air are the first sites I check each morning. Please keep it up!
Also thank you so much for your link to Paroles Gelees, which I recommend anyone reading to check out and support.
I'm honored, maready. Thanks
Me too!!!
Now, with the link to Paroles gelées!
Thanks for the publicity, Maready!
(and for hsoting it, Guillermo!)
Un blog en français, avec traducteur intégré!
Comentarios welcome.
Thank you for this. Munch is such an inspired soul
Hola Guillermo
te agradezco por compartir toda estas grabaciones magníficas. Pero tenemos un problema con el segundo movimiento ( track 3 )¿Puedes arreglarlo?
Gracias, por todo
@kike- que paso? acabo de bajarlo y escuchar (a la corrida, ando medio loco reinstalando un bano entero!) 8 minutos 47 segundos del segundo movimiento, la belleza que es Munch al timon de los BSO. Intente bajarlo par de veces mas, que es un milagro el internet de por si. Aveces fallan las transferencias de info?
Hola Guillermo
por más que intento se repite el mismo problema. aún cuando los demás tracks abren bien, este tercer track ( 2do. movimiento) no hay sonido. ¿Puedes chequearlo, si no fuera molestia?
un abrazo, Kike.
Aqui el segundo movimiento:
Aviseme si la necedad del track no se resuelve!
Estimado Guillermo
el track muestra el mismo problema aún. Si bien indica la duración, no suena nada. ¿Alguien tiene el mismo problema?
Una lástima. Gracias por su tiempo y esfuerzo.
saludos cordiales, Kike.
It was nice to see a couple of my things up on your website. I am pleased that you and your friends enjoy them and I thank you for crediting me as the source. If you are looking for any other historical items, please feel free to contact me.
Why RAY!!!!!!!!!!!! how lovely to find you here.... Maria, you remember Maria Bonita! The gal crazy about MUNCH!Well, finally caught up with you.SO GOOD TO KNOW YOU ARE HERE and THERE.... Guillermo, ¿habeis solucionado el tema?, sino yo tengo esta grabación... Podría subirla a RS. si a Ray no le molesta.
Maria, no se si se resolvio. mediafire estuvo medio raro en ese entonces, espero que a estas alturas este funcional.
Guillermo, firstly, thank you so much. I just discovered your fine blog, and through it the music-making of Charles Munch - whom I had wrongly thought to be a conductor of French music principally. I've been knocked sideways by his performances, starting with this remarkable Beethoven 9 - which is the performance of the Ninth I'd always hoped to find. It's on fire, it has colour and eccentricity, and great detail. Utterly committed. Wonderful! Now I'm tracking down everything of Munch that I can find. Can I ask - are there any recordings, official or otherwise, of other Beethoven symphonies? I now have have the 2 Ninths from 58, Eroica, 5 and 6. Any chance of a 7 or 8 out there? Or a Brahms 3???
Thanks for the remarkable revelation of this joyful powerful performance.
Henryflower, Quartier has a transfer of a Münch Beethoven 8th that Iove- it's at
along with a few other CM wonders.
and, don't forget the Munch/Ferras 1959 Brahms violin concerto broadcast
let me see if I haven't misplaced it....
and you might join concertarchive at yahoo to get ahold of this gem, which is the most fervent and fun Brahms 3rd I've (ever?) heard!!!
Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Georges Pretre
Johannes Brahms
Sym. 3 op. 90
Sym. 4 op. 98
1 June 2010
Parco della Musica in Roma
I may have to post it...
Guillermo - I am truly grateful for your help. These performances are genuinely life-enhancing. Thank you very much indeed.
Guillermo - I took your advice: that Pretre performance of the Brahms 3 and 4 is outstanding. I think it's instantly become my performance of choice for those works. So much energy and drive, such great woodwind detail. Thank you so much - any other recommendations warmly welcome after that!
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